Who do you think you are?!

Do you ever dream big and aim for the stars doing something you really want too? Then when you start to take the steps. It seems that once in a while, your self-doubt whispers in the back of your mind. “Who do you think you are?! What makes you think you can do this?”

It’s like there’s a grumpy angel sitting on my shoulder, asking me. “Do you remember where you come from? Let me remind you of all these limiting the beliefs you picked up along the way. Girl, it’s me. Your debilitating doubt, reminding you to watch yourself! Who gave you permission to succeed anyway?! Certainly not me.”

This sounds so silly to write it out and then read. Yet, I genuinely believe I am not the only person to fight these limiting thoughts. It has become a habit for me to write about life lessons and roadblocks to process them. As far as coping mechanisms go, writing is my healthiest. Even then, sometimes, I feel like who cares? Why do I feel this pull and desire to share such personal information?

I believe it’s not that I need someone to care per se. What I need is to feel like I am helping someone else. Isn’t that peculiar? I am a certified massage therapist, I volunteer in my community, and I have a passion for protecting the environment. Yet, with all the action I take to “help” others, I still feel that there is more to do. Then I get frustrated when I don’t see it happening fast enough.

I have this pull to write what I live; in case someone needs to hear they are not alone. Selfishly it feels like I need to write to help myself too. I just listened to a song that said. “Take your time. Life’s lessons are not learned in a day.” How powerful this short phrase is at the exact moment when I seem to be in a hurry to know it all and do it all; like, RIGHT NOW!

Even though I know in my heart that life is a beautiful journey meant to be savored and enjoyed one day at a time. Apparently, I have the patience of Hulu on pause, because when I feel my effort isn’t progressing somewhere fast enough, I get down on myself and just quit moving. That jerk voice in the back of mind kicks in its two cents and asks. “So, this is it then?! Nice try. Remember who you are, sit down and shut up.” Unfortunately, lately, I have been complying.

What an a$$Hole I am to myself sometimes hey?! I mean really, I don’t talk to my friends like this. Why do I speak to myself this way? Where does this icky habit of doubt come from? I honestly think it comes from my lack of patience and just maybe… a buried fear of success. This also seems silly when I write it. Who fears success?!

Most people I know, try every day to succeed on their personal paths. I guarantee they have doubts as well, but do they handle them better than I do? There are days I feel like throwing in the towel on all of it. That dark angel on my shoulder tells me maybe I should just go get a regular job, so I don’t have to worry about doing the books, finding clients, and building my business.

Why do I volunteer my time instead of crawling into bed with a good book and my dog? Why do I pursue politics that get me all riled up, instead of working more on balancing my Zen?! Why do I stifle my creativity because I fear judgment from those who do not create themselves? Why, do I want to have it ALL?! Is what I am working towards even attainable?

Also, why do I have so many questions about life? I hope this is coming across in a friendly and relatable way. There must be others out there who struggle with doubt when pursuing dreams and goals. Are there other people who can relate to my frustration with the pace of life when you feel like you’ve been working so hard but just to feel as if your spinning wheels?

Listen, I believe if every one of us put our problems in a pile, most of us would choose to keep our own instead of trade. This frustration I feel is not a problem, it is an obstacle I know I can navigate. Yet, it feels like I need to a little help to push through right about now. I think we are all in this world together, so I’d like to ask for your help.

What do you do or tell yourself to keep your head up and hopes high? What would you tell your best friend asking this same advice on this topic? I am a fan of sharing sisterhood support, and I’d love to hear from you today!

P.s. I’d love to hear who you think you are! And what obstacle are you working to overcome right now!

Sending the intention of encouragement and self-love to you!

Wishing you the luck you need today,

Love, Emy Minzel 

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Contact me at: EmyMinzel.AdventureSister@gmail.com


Stacy Crep ~


Photo Credit – Emy Minzel – Slim Lake, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness – Ely, Minnesota



Habit Tracking Helps!

Tracking my habits and keeping a food log has really helped me to see exactly where I need healthy improvement. It’s helping me so much that I’d like to share it with you! I have created a simple grading system that lets me see how I’ve done during the day and for the week. This trick helps to hold me personally responsible for my grade and the outcome.

After a short time of skipping some parts of my self-care schedule, I see it’s time to get back to making healthy changes in my dieting and fitness routine. Taking this healthcare hiatus has served the purpose of a potent reminder that I feel much better when I am consistantly taking care of myself! I found that I do have healthy habits, and I eat wholesome food for the most part. Yet without more scrutiny and habit tracking, I was not meeting my goals.

Writing down what I eat every day and counting calories help me to be more accountable, especially when I see it down on paper. Keeping a food log helps me plan healthier dinners and stops me from snacking when I’ve reached my calorie limit. It also helps prove that If I am a solid C student, I see that I get C results! Viewing my first week’s grades makes me want to improve my habits to get my desired results.

I won’t go on and on about how to eat or what to do with your fitness routine. Those things are all personalized and really none of my business! I am going to share a picture of the Habit Tracker I use, and if you are interested, I would happily send you an email with the excel file attatchment. My Habit Tracker is not fancy, it’s simple and does the job. I hope you find it helpful too!

Here is my personal email for you to send your request for my spreadsheet, making it easy to copy, paste, and customize.

Send request to: EmyMinzel.AdventureSister@gmail.com

After using my habit tracker for a few days, I felt that I needed to add some things and change some of them too. I’ve shared my Habit Tracker with Adventure Sister Stacy, who added more relaxation and meditation habits, while I added more activity requirements. You know what you need to improve, so do it up!

Are there any healthy tips, tricks, or advice you’d like to share that may help our Adventure Sisters community? Supporting and learning from each other helps us nurture the world around us and ourselves. We all have wisdom that will help someone, so don’t be afraid to share yours!

Sending you love, blessing, health, and happiness!

Emy Minzel ~ Adventure Sister





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Stacy Crep ~ Adventure Sister








What is your best advice?

I am curious. What is the most helpful advice you’ve found that has made a difference in how you live?

There are lots of different people with their own opinions and differences in what they know. Some of it isn’t even advice, but more like sharing essential lessons they have learned over the years. I think it is a gift to learn from our elders or folks we look up to when they share their experiences. It would be a shame to let the wisdom go to waste!

It was not all ‘advice’ per se, but there were valuable lessons shared with me that I am learning to appreciate. I can think of a few things I’ve heard that ring true I’d like to share with you.

When my Auntie Max told me, “You will be lucky if you have five true friends in your life. When you find them, cherish them and don’t let them go.” I have learned this is true. I do my best to follow this advice. I’ve learned that not all friends are the same and to treasure the ones that love me as I love them. I’ve found the keepers adore you in all stages of life, not just the easy ones.

My grandmother Ema Dee whom everyone said had “the patience of a Saint” once told me. “I am not as patient as you think. I have just learned to keep my mouth shut.” What?! At first, it made me laugh, and I really did not understand what she meant. As I age, I see what she means. Sometimes keeping my thoughts and feelings to myself, takes greater wisdom than speaking up and may have a much different effect than we expect.

“You get to make the rules for your life!” Stacy Crep, Adventure Sister. It sounds impossible some days, yet the words are valid. When I realized I have much more say in my life than once acknowledged or allowed, my life changed for the better. And it was all my doing! From taking the initiative and following through on my goals and dreams, to nurturing relationships that needed love and attention, to career goals and ambitions. It was all up to me and how I followed and adjusted the rules I had for myself.

My Auntie Di gave me some excellent parenting advice when I was a young mother. She said, “I only say no if there is a good reason. Kids need the freedom to live their lives and make their own mistakes.’” I thought this was a fantastic way to think. I used this philosophy with my daughter and even now in my own life. I like to say Yes to invitations, events, and experiences whenever possible. This attitude opens doors of opportunity and helps me get more out of life! If we fail or get hurt, those were valuable lessons too.

Yet with all the splendid advice, I have gotten over the years, the biggest lesson I’ve learned is to listen to my own intuition. Even my closest friends and well-intentioned family’s best advice is not good if it does not feel right to me.

So, my best advice to you. Trust yourself. Follow the inklings that pull your heart and do what feels right for you even if it’s going against what others think is best. Only you know the real soul inside and what you truly need to be happy. I’ve learned it’s best to grow trust in yourself and be brave enough to listen to your own inner divinely guided wisdom.

Please feel free to share YOUR best advice in the comments below.

I hope that we can share the wisdom we’ve learned with others in hopes of helping someone else on their life path!

Sending love and blessings to you,

Emy Minzel ~ Adventure Sister




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Stacy Crep ~ Adventure Sister



Photo credit –  Stacy and I on a retreat on the boat!